2023 July 14 12:46:21

RELIQUIE • a concert film about an unfinished sonata by Franz Schubert that was completed by composer Ernst Krenek in 1921.

Franz Schubert Unvollendete Sonate C-Dur für Piano D. 840
Ergänzt von Ernst Krenek

Unfinished Sonata in C major D. 840 (1825)
completed by Ernst Krenek (1921) 

Conceived & Performed by 
Gavin Gamboa 

Concert Co-Produced and Directed by
Daniel Anderson

Diana Wyenn

Additional Cinematography
Jake Bloch
Johnny Gutierrez

Concert Audio Engineer
Andrew Funcheon

Monologue Cinematography
Alex Brown 

Monologue Audio Engineer
Sean Huntley

Concert Stylist & Spanish Subtitles
Alexia Veytia-Rubio

Titles by
McKay Felt

Presented by
The Teaching Machine 

Special Thanks
Mandy Kahn, E. Elias Merhige, Nadja Merhige, David Wexler, Jake Bloch, Alex Brown, McKay Felt, Alexia Veytia-Rubio 

Filmed on 28 May 2022
Philosophical Research Society
Los Angeles, California, United States

Digital Garden

  2023 July 14 12:46:21

RELIQUIE • a concert film about an unfinished sonata by Franz Schubert that was completed by composer Ernst Krenek in 1921.

Franz Schubert Unvollendete Sonate C-Dur für Piano D. 840
Ergänzt von Ernst Krenek

Unfinished Sonata in C major D. 840 (1825)
completed by Ernst Krenek (1921) 

Conceived & Performed by 
Gavin Gamboa 

Concert Co-Produced and Directed by
Daniel Anderson

Diana Wyenn

Additional Cinematography
Jake Bloch
Johnny Gutierrez

Concert Audio Engineer
Andrew Funcheon

Monologue Cinematography
Alex Brown 

Monologue Audio Engineer
Sean Huntley

Concert Stylist & Spanish Subtitles
Alexia Veytia-Rubio

Titles by
McKay Felt

Presented by
The Teaching Machine 

Special Thanks
Mandy Kahn, E. Elias Merhige, Nadja Merhige, David Wexler, Jake Bloch, Alex Brown, McKay Felt, Alexia Veytia-Rubio 

Filmed on 28 May 2022
Philosophical Research Society
Los Angeles, California, United States

Digital Garden

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