2013 May 15 05:00:59

Directed by Strangeloop 
Sound Design by Taylor Shechet

  2013 May 15 05:00:59

Directed by Strangeloop 
Sound Design by Taylor Shechet

CINEMA continued

Gilz is a hyper-contextual cybernetic video organism by Laskfar Vortok, featuring the music of Berlin-based sound…
Together, you and I are witness to the fractal beauty of the branchial reality graph. A production by The Teaching Machine…
Soundplate 14 : Impulse Notch Fluttering Laskfar Vortok 1.033 minute video | no sound using Max/MSP/Jitter [Version 6]
Polia & Blastema, E. Elias Merhige's first foray into opera, is a gnostic creation myth told through a visual tapestry which…